Caring For One Another

When I witness students caring for one another, it “warms the cockles of me’ heart” as the Irish would say.  It is often that these same students serve the homeless, residential and working poor through our Disciple Students in the City at places such as The Church in the Garden, Lawrence Haven Food Pantry and others. Research outlines what we know from experience: We are happiest when we are connected and serving others. It has been named the “Helper’s High.” Jesus promises in the Gospel of Matthew that as we give—as we cast our bread upon the waters—it comes back to us.  It is not always easy to get over the hurdle, to get beyond ourselves. Students testify we need each other in community.  The joy of the Downtowners is the blessing of community and friendship. Our mission is to be a caring presence in the name of the Gospel to make life sacred for all people.  A student who graduated this last May and worked with us for four years wrote: “I wouldn’t have been able to experience all of this and enjoy the fellowship without the Downtowners.  Thank you for everything.”   Blessings for your kindnesses.  May they warm the cockles of your heart!

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