Bible Pods
Bible Pods are Bible study, prayer and reflection in small gatherings around campuses following Jesus’ call that “Where two or three are gathered together, there I am in the midst of them…” (Matthew 18:20) Students meet in small pods—two or three, around lunch, after class—and share the themes of the Gospel and how they relate to every day life. As one law student said, “I love this time to read the Bible, pray and discuss it…” Bible Study Guidelines composed by students and Dr. O are available for those who choose to use them. This coming together provides a great way to help each other get through the tough times. One nursing student summed up her experience by saying,“I excite over the simple thought of bonding with others over the Word and sharing the passion for Jesus…” The ministry maintains contact with student BiblePod facilitators. Contact the Downtowners Campus Ministry to form a Pod on your campus!
The Student in the City program educates students to the needs of others by their visiting with Directors and Staff of Holy Rosary/St. John’s Community Kitchen on South Ohio and Friends of the Homeless to learn about their operations and services to clients. The second part of the program involves inviting a panel of residential, street and working poor to the university for lunch and conversation around themes of struggle and resources needed and sometimes available, such as legal help to transition from shelters to independent living. Shared prayer is part of the gathering both before and after conversation.